“Beauty is Only Skin Deep” (The Temptations)

Today’s classic song of the day is that Motown favorite, “Beauty is Only Skin Deep” by the Temptations. Released as a single in August of 1966, this track peaked at #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #1 on Billboard’s Hot R&B Singles chart.

“Beauty is Only Skin Deep” was written by Norman Whitfield and Eddie Holland. Norman wrote the music (two years previous!) and Eddie added the lyrics (two years later!). They initially offered the tune to the Miracles, who recorded it in 1964 but didn’t release it as a single; it was later included on their 1966 album, Away We a Go-Go. Jimmy Ruffin also recorded the track but didn’t release it. (His version finally saw the light of day 17 years later, on the 1983 album Motown Superstars Sing Motown Superstars.) It took the Temptations, with Jimmy’s brother David on lead, to make the song into a hit.

Musically, the song is relatively simple. The verse is just I – IV until it shifts to a I – ii – I – ii – I – ii – iii – IV transition. The chorus is similarly straightforward, going I – IV – V – vi – I, then I – IV – V – I. The melody is nice, however, and the accompaniment (especially the glockenspiel part by Funk Brother Jack Ashford, backed by Bongo Eddie Brown’s congas) seals the deal.

And here’s your daily bonus video of the day, the Temptations lip synching “Beauty is Only Skin Deep” for a bunch of Caucasian kids on the August 31, 1966, episode of Dick Clark’s Where the Action Is. Look at them moves!

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Michael Miller
Michael Miller
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