Category 1970s

“Nice to Be With You” (Gallery)

Nice to Be With You, Gallery

Today’s classic song of the day is the exceedingly pleasant “Nice to Be With You” by a group called Gallery. This single was released in February of 1972 and peaked at #4 on the Billboard Hot 100, #5 on Billboard’s Adult Contemporary chart, and #1 on the Cash Box Top 100. “Nice to Be With You” was typical of the…

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“Somebody’s Been Sleeping” (100 Proof (Aged in Soul))

Somebody's Been Sleeping, 100 Proof Aged in Soul

Today’s classic song of the day is “Somebody’s Been Sleeping” by the R&B group 100 Proof (Aged in Soul). This single, on Hot Wax Records, was released in September of 1970 and peaked at #8 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #6 on Billboard’s R&B chart. “Somebody’s Been Sleeping” was written by Angelo Bond, Greg Perry, and General Johnson. Johnson…

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“Float On” (The Floaters)

Float On, Floaters

Today’s classic song of the day is a perfect example of the suave, sophisticated approach that defined dating in the mid-70s, “Float On” by the Floaters. Released in June of 1977, this track went all the way to #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #1 on Billboard’s Hot Soul Singles chart. “Float On” was written by lead Floater James…

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“Telephone Man” (Meri Wilson)

Telephone Man, Meri Wilson

Today’s classic song of the day is a bona fide novelty song, all about a young lady’s dalliance with the guy installing her new telephone. (That was a thing back when Bell Telephone had a monopoly in the U.S. and they had to manually install corded phones in your home.) The song is “Telephone Man” and the singer was a…

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