“Sweet Seasons” (Carole King)/”It’s Going to Take Some Time” (Carpenters)

Sweet Seasons, Carole King

In honor of lyricist Toni Stern’s passing, today’s classic songs of the day are “Sweet Seasons” and “It’s Going to Take Some Time.” Ms. Stern wrote the lyrics for both of these tunes and her friend Carole King composed the music. Toni and Carole wrote “Sweet Seasons” for Ms. King’s 1971 album Music, the follow-up to her groundbreaking 1971 album,…

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“Brand New Key”/”Beautiful People”/”Photograph” (Melanie)


In honor of her passing, today’s songs of the day are all by the artist known as Melanie (real name: Melanie Safka). She passed on January 23. Melanie was born on February 3, 1947, in Queens, New York City. She was regarded as a “beatnik” in high school and ran away to California. (She later returned home to her family…

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“Jungleland” (Bruce Springsteen)

Born to Run, Bruce Springsteen

The final classic song with an emotional punch this week is the final track from Bruce Springsteen’s landmark 1975 Born to Run album, the truly epic “Jungleland.” This track was never released as a single but it didn’t need to be; it got tons of play on FM radio and remains a classic rock cornerstone to this day. On an…

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“Hearts of Stone” (Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes)

Hearts of Stone, Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes

Today’s classic song that packs an emotional punch is “Hearts of Stone” by Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes. Never released as a single, this song was included on side two of the Jukes’ album of the same name, released in 1978. It’s a killer. “Hearts of Stone” is a breakup song—actually, a post-breakup song. The singer has moved on…

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“Father and Son” (Cat Stevens)

Father and Son, Cat Stevens

Today’s classic song of the day that packs an emotional punch is Cat Stevens’ “Father and Son”—although I admit it packs a different kind of punch now than it did when I first heard it fifty or so years ago. “Father and Son” was the next-to-last track on side two of Mr. Stevens’ album, Tea for the Tillerman. That album,…

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“Kentucky Rain” (Elvis Presley)

Kentucky Rain, Elvis Presley

This week we’re going to look at songs that pack a real emotional punch, starting with Elvis Presley’s “Kentucky Rain.” This is a powerful song given a powerful performance by the King and it hits you in the gut every time you hear it. Elvis recorded “Kentucky Rain” on February 19, 1969. It was one of several powerful songs recorded…

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“Going Down to Liverpool” (The Bangles/Katrina and the Waves)

Going Down to Liverpool, the Bangles

This week’s final city-themed song of the day is “Going Down to Liverpool.” The song was initially released by Katrina and the Waves (you know them from their huge hit, “Walking on Sunshine“) but made a bigger splash when covered by the Bangles. “Going Down to Liverpool” was written by Kimberley Rew of Katrina and the Waves. It first appeared…

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