“Layla” (Derek and the Dominos)

Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs

In honor of Jim Gordon’s passing, our classic song of the day is “Layla,” by Derek and the Dominos. Released in September of 1970, it rose to #10 on the Billboard Hot 100 early in 1971 and became an instant rock classic. The song “Layla” was the next-to-last track (third of four tracks on the second side of the double-album’s…

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“The Unicorn” (The Irish Rovers)

The Unicorn The Irish Rovers

Your long-forgotten Irish song of the (St. Patrick’s) Day is “The Unicorn,” as recorded by The Irish Rovers. It tells the tale of that loveliest of all creatures who was too busy playing silly games to get on Noah’s ark before that big flood hit. Which is why “you’ll see green alligators and long-necked geese, some humpty-backed camels and some…

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