“Be Young, Be Foolish, Be Happy” (The Tams)

Your real honest-to-goodness mid-tempo shuffle Carolina beach music song of the day is “Be Young, Be Foolish, Be Happy” by the Tams. Unlike yesterday’s classic song of the day, Brenton Woods’ “The Oogum Boogum Song,” which fell into the beach music category despite its straight beat, “Be Young, Be Foolish, Be Happy” has that shuffle beat that defines the true…

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“I-95” (Fountains of Wayne)

Fountains of Wayne

Your lonely long-distance dating song of the day is “I-95” by Fountains of Wayne. This track was on the group’s 2007 album, Traffic and Weather, and it means a special something to me and anybody else who has ever been involved in a long-distance relationship. When I was dating my wife Sherry, around the time this album was released, she…

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“Ariel” (Dean Friedman)

Ariel Dean Friedman

Today’s long-lost ode to a young Jewish girl from Paramus, New Jersey song of the day is “Ariel,” by Dean Friedman. This little slice of history was released in April of 1977 and rose all the way to #26 on the Billboard Hot 100. (And it ties into yesterday’s classic song of the day, “American City Suite,” in that “Ariel”…

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