Tag Carole King

“Been to Canaan” (Carole King)

Been to Canaan, Carole King

On yesterday’s classic song of the day, James Taylor’s “Fire and Rain,” his friend and fellow songwriter Carole King played piano. That leads us directly to today’s classic song of the day, “Been to Canaan,” on which Ms. King also played piano, in addition to singing and writing it. Released in November of 1972, this one went to #24 on…

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“Sweet Seasons” (Carole King)/”It’s Going to Take Some Time” (Carpenters)

Sweet Seasons, Carole King

In honor of lyricist Toni Stern’s passing, today’s classic songs of the day are “Sweet Seasons” and “It’s Going to Take Some Time.” Ms. Stern wrote the lyrics for both of these tunes and her friend Carole King composed the music. Toni and Carole wrote “Sweet Seasons” for Ms. King’s 1971 album Music, the follow-up to her groundbreaking 1971 album,…

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“Please Don’t Wake Me” (The Cinderellas)/”I Never Dreamed” (The Cookies)

The Cookies

Today’s classic Girl Group song of the day is the rather obscure “Please Don’t Wake Me” by an equally obscure group called the Cinderellas. Released in 1964 on the Dimension label, this one didn’t chart, although it should have; it’s a perfect example of the 1960s Girl Group sound. “Please Don’t Wake Me” was written by Cynthia Weil and Russ…

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